About me
Brian Brost continues to enjoy a nearly 30-year career in the municipal water and wastewater sector with experience from the “underground to the Executive Board Room” including the past 14 years with the City of St. Albert as the Manager of Utilities, he is the Alberta Director on the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association and in his spare time beyond outdoors pursuits he supports the AWWOA with training through his company Coredge Consulting.
As a lifelong learner, Brian has attained NAIT Water and Wastewater Technician Certification, University of Alberta Certification in Municipal Management and Leadership, Alberta Provincial Operations Certification in all water and wastewater disciplines, various all Hazards Emergency Management qualifications and has attained Public Works Professional Management designation from the American Public Works Association.
Brian hopes that this presentation broadens your understanding and you gain new insights surrounding pump station project implementation.